Tuesday 9 December 2014

Freedom of Speech...The Greatest Lie of Fangirls

Freedom of speech...the 5th Amendment to the United States of America's Constitution...it is a God-given right...but it doesn't mean we have the right to abuse it.

Fan pages have rules...the set of rules for my pages are always about respect. If I post something meaningful, I don't want to have to see only posts about a nice rear end or good looks.

The situation described in yesterday's entry created a small controversy within Team Hiddleston when a fangirl brazenly tried to stand up to me and my treatise on respect. She tried telling me that people should be free to say what they want about someone and that it was unrealistic of my co-admin and I to enforce the commenting on posts the way we do. She then proceeded to tell me that she was going to keep posting on what attracts her to Mr. Hiddleston no matter what I said because she had the right and the freedom to do so.

Everyone has a right to their opinion. But when I explained that a line had been crossed, she tried to dictate to me how my page should be and even went as far as blatantly twisting words to make it sound like my page was unfair to fans.

I don't need to go into further detail to bring my point across.

We all have freedom of choice and freedom of speech. I have the freedom to put up my page and create my own rules for it. I also have the freedom to dictate what I want on my page as long as it doesn't hurt or harm anyone.

People who like my page are free to disagree with a point or give their opinion. However, telling me how to run my own page is an abuse of that freedom. Constructive criticism is fine, but I dislike uninformed commenting and complaining like this fangirl was doing.

Quite simply, she was put in her place with the phrase "feel free to create your own page or join another if you don't want to follow the rules." I'm not in it for the stats and ratings...my page was created to show Mr. Hiddleston that there were a lot of respectful fans out there who weren't just looking at his rear end. It's not a popularity contest...I'm not going to lose sleep if a few people unlike my page because they don't want to be respectful.

People can use their freedom of speech however they wish...but I choose to use my freedom to expose the abuses of fandoms. I'm not in it to make friends or be popular. I'm in it to spread awareness so nobody gets hurt or bullied.

You can disagree with me or my ideals all you want, I won't hate you for it. But don't try to condemn me for it.

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