Sunday 30 November 2014

The Destruction of Ovaries: Fact or Fiction?

When you come across an image of someone who you are sexually aroused to, a chain reaction begins to take over your body. Your pupils dilate, your breathing becomes laboured, rapturous heat fills your body and parts of you ache with longing.

In the realm of fangirls, there has been a common phenomenon that has run rampant with the most handsome of has a bevy of different titles, ranging from Cumberbatch Obsessive Love Disorder to Tomsilitis or "Post Tom-atic Stress Disorder". The one common symptom reported for such an obscure "disorder" is the destruction of ovaries. read that right...the destruction of ovaries.

In a world where science has an explanation for everything, women all over the world are now "suffering" from exploded ovaries from exposure to their favourite actor.

Cue facepalm and eye roll. Obviously that's not true. Looking at a handsome actor has no real effect on the ovaries at all except for the release of hormones.

Yet, look through all the fanpages on Facebook and Tumblr and all you will see are posts about how exposure to a favourite actor or character has caused the destruction of fangirls' ovaries everywhere. In fact, public service "announcements" have been created by ihatetomhiddleston.

This takes obsessing to a whole new level. As mentioned before, there's nothing wrong with finding an actor or celebrity handsome. I even ogle handsome actors from time to time. But saying that a man's level of handsomeness causes the destruction of ovaries is not only juvenile, but the point where it is extremely insulting to other parties.

While fangirls think that joking about destroyed ovaries is harmless, it is insulting to two groups of people.

First of all, there are women out there who suffer from, and who have previously suffered from Ovarian Cancer. Do they think the destruction of ovaries is a joke? Absolutely not, and rightly so. They go through pain and suffering just to survive the terrible disease, more than enough for a lifetime. What gives fangirls the right to joke about something so sensitive? The same goes for their loved ones, who witness their fight for survival every day. Do the fangirls know what it's really like to see someone they care about live in constant, gut wrenching pain every day?

Secondly, the Post Tom-Atic Stress disorder is a terrible attempt at a joke as well. There are soldiers, police officers, firefighters, and even paramaedics who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Those who are afflicted with it deal with constant reminders of the traumatic situation they faced previously and it is painful to them...not only physically but also psychologically. It's not something a victim faces alone either. Families are also affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's an everyday struggle for all who are affected, whether directly or indirectly.

I think fangirls should think twice before making such things in jest because they obviously don't know who they are insulting or hurting.

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